With cargo.one you can compare and book rates from over 40 airlines. And agent rates from over 20 countries. All in one place. Whether export or import, always get the best rate, be the first to quote your customer and win more business.
Upgrade to proLoved by 14,000 agents from freight forwarders of all sizes
cargo.one’s booking platform offers you the broadest selection of airlines in the market with the cleanest interface. Comparing and booking export rates has never been easier.
The same export booking experience, now for import. Gone are the days where getting rates from overseas took dozens of emails and hours of wait time.
With cargo.one you can literally make money while you sleep. Let your partners and hundreds of verified agents book your live rates 24/7 and stand out from the competition. All with global non-payment protection.
Getting started is easy. Our team will help you set up your local charges, margins, and your own airline rates.
Stand out from the competition by letting your partners get your rates without having to send you an email and wait for your response.
Everyday, hundreds of agents search for rates on cargo.one. List your rates and win new business overnight.
We credit check every agent and provide you with global non-payment protection so that you can grow your network, hassle-free.