Mastering air freight rates

Discover valuable new advice to minimize rate uncertainty and improve your win rate and profit margins.

🔍 Dive into nearly one million data points
In our ‘Mastering air freight rates’ whitepaper series, leverages its extensive market access to present the most exhaustive analysis ever conducted of air shipment rate outcomes, and surveys real forwarders’ expectations for the rate types they use in daily quoting.

📈 What you'll learn in part one
As well as findings from nearly 1M data points, gain actionable strategies to elevate your rate intelligence, enabling you to secure more shipments and beat the competition. Secure your copy of ‘Mastering air freight rates’ and gain deep insights on:

  • Rate sheet reliability vs spot rates: Uncover the real-world reliability of rate sheet rates compared to available spot rates for any shipment

  • Key influencing factors: Understand how airline choice, weight breaks, time to LAT (Latest Acceptance Time), and the age of rate sheets affect the disparity between rate sheet and spot rates

  • The advantage: See how checking’s exclusive NEW live estimate rates can transform your daily quoting confidence

🎙 What you'll hear first hand part two
We surveyed 114 freight forwarding companies worldwide to explore their daily usage of rate sheets and their expectations for the rate types used in their daily quoting for air shipments. Benchmark your own experiences against:

  • Perceptions around rate sheet reliability: How agents believe their use of rate sheets to quote is impacting their current win rates

  • Awareness of factors that drive variance: A reality check on factors such as airline choice or weight break that drive the disparity between rate sheets and the prevailing market rate

  • A rapid boost to rate intelligence: How both SME and large enterprise forwarders are now bolstering daily rate setting and quotation processes

Request now your FREE copies of our insightful whitepaper and enhance your air quoting with better rate intelligence.

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BCG report: How digital sales takes air freight revenues to new heights

Digital sales and digital transformation go hand-in-hand. Read BCG's articleon the power of digital sales in air freight, why you should start now, and how our data & analytics can help you optimize revenues.

Read the full report

Read the full report